Customer needs, issues and concerns are the engine of the design process; it is important to know how to listen.

The building, the place, has its own characteristics given its location, its state of conservation, its history, the climatic and geographical conditions to which it is subject, and also its Genius Loci.

Genius Loci  is the soul of a place giving it identity and meaning. It is important to keep a sensitive insight . The more you observe the clearer is the essence of the object.


We carefully articulate the client’s wishes with the identity of the place, as well as the technical, climatic and policy requirements of the project.

More than an architecture of the ego or ideas of a style beforehand, we focus on the particular opportunities of a given project.


We design for comfort, contributing to a good energy performance of our buildings. We employ Bioclimatic and Energy Efficiency strategies in order to reduce the energy consumption and nurture a feeling of well-being inside.

When Rehabilitating,  we give preference to non intrusive intervention strategies based on a prior diagnostic of the existing building conditions.

It is important to reduce, reuse and recycle.



We are a BIM (Building Information Modelling) addicted architectural atelier, passionately engaged in delivering architectural services, ranging from renovation to new construction.

We design with BIM for a continuous overview of the project. The projects develop through a 3D model of the building, which contains all the construction information, and gives the client a closer view of reality, at all times.

This work method allows to minimize errors and omissions, and it also improves coordination between specialties and all planning consultants. Furthermore, It also allows to faster updates, facilitating the development of written and designed parts, whenever changes are required.